Dear friend,
As i am writing this down, i am sure that now u are trying to find somethg to comfort urself.. Having fail all the maths test + exam + quiz, under the same lecturer, is really something that is hard to take. And everytime during the maths lecturer/tutorial, i can hear incessant bemoaning and bad words insult on him from ur own mouth.. Yeah, i agree on some points of u that he really teaches maths in a rushing manner, and uses slide show aint a practical way of teaching maths. Suffice to say, everyone of us make unnoticeable mistake like this too. Sometimes, we dunno whether what we have done is bad for others. Thats how life goes, and we should accept it with open heart.
After u receive yr test paper this morning after having a long chat with the lecturer, u start to avoid us. that time it really gives sort of disgusting feeling to us, as if we are enemy or we are the
source of your failure. Well, it aint the first time it happens too.. I remember the last time when we didnt chat for 1 whole week, coz of this terrible feeling too. If you have some trouble, we are frens here to help u, dun juz ignore us like that.. It's not only rude, but it caused other people to have strange perception on u, as if we are in war of words with you. And let me tell you one thing. No matter what you do, u will trying to talk big in the beginning and finally ended up loser. That is what makes you speechless in the end and start ignore us in the end. And during the test, you just cant stfu, keep frowning just like a volcano ready to explode. What are you trying to proof here is "Damn! I want the whole class to know that i dont know do tis question and will fail in this test.Curse fei lou lecturer" Aint that stupid? Or u have other motive behind what u are doing. Dunno do just keep quiet like a scared rat ma..
Keep calmn.. No matter what happen, Jesus is with u.. Ain't that a key of life for someone who attend church every week? And of course, to be good in Maths not onli require practises, also understanding. You mentioned before that you only study for exam. You are damn wrong here.. If study for exam, then why dun u just forget about exam, and start to go work, get a life? U make it as if u are sacrificing everythg for just mere exam? See? All the chapters studied during last sem, when it is applied during this semester, u start to panic. Just like when u study A-Z alphabets when u are baby, how come u still can remember it till now? Coz we applied it in daily life la, same goes to maths now. It applies when u work next time.
Lanc/talk big. I did that when i was 99% sure of the rate of success. Ego belongs to all of us, and sometimes it can kill us off too. It is actualli the way of you expressing yr ego. some stated it out loud until the whole word can hear your words. But i rather do that when i become a success man. When i read a book by Donald Trump's Think Like a Champion, it makes me wonder. If i am at his stage now, i will be talking like him the same way too. Thats why this book is recommended for everyone to read...
Get up now, fren. We all don't want to see a proud guy to fall again, coz it affects our mood too. Actually i can express myself here in a better way, but all of them have disappeared in my mind after playing Dota for 3 hrs. Most of what i hv said here is actually the real picture what you look like. Until u see this post then.. but it aint happening i guess =/